Thank You for visiting us on the Airport Solutions 2018 in Jakarta!
Dear friends,
The Airport Solutions Indonesia 2018 was held on the 5 – 6th of December 2018. ElectroAir Company as a participant and exhibitor would like to thank visitors for their attention and cooperation!
Our delegated representatives are always ready to provide information about the wide choice of high-quality products, as well as ElectroAir is always ready to offer new solutions to maximise customer`s comfort.
You can always find out more about ElectroAir products from our brand new and updated cataloque using this link:
“Please press here to see our Company Profile”
We would like to invite You to visit our stand nr. E30 on the upcoming show:
InterAirport SE Asia 2019 in Singapore from 27-th of February till 1-st of March 2019