Hatch EAPIT Systems - ElectroAir Ground Power Units
+372 651 8020

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Hatch EAPIT Systems

Underground hatch PIT systems are counterweight systems which are designed to provide service points next to aircraft and helicopters during pre-flight preparation at airports, shop floors of aircraft industry enterprises or hangars or apron such as power supply, PCA, water, and compressed air.

The EAPIT can be equipped with a remote control and manhole. There are distribution boxes of 400 Hz and 50/60 H in the underground concrete bunker. The EAPIT is preassembled to simplify its installation and connection as much as possible. There are plugs on the upper part of the hatch to supply the aircraft with a special current of either 400 Hz AC or 28.5 VDC. It is strongly recommended to use ElectroAir GPUs with ElectroAir hatch PIT systems. By using them as a complete solution, it is possible to install GPUs far from the location of the PIT system. If needed, systems of compressed air and water (potable, blue, sewer) can also be built into the PIT system. In addition, ElectroAir provides PCA and PIT facility systems. The PCA PIT system is equipped with a PCA long-term hose.


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