Largest contract and promising opportunities - ElectroAir Ground Power Units
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Largest contract and promising opportunities

plane, charging, kaunas, airport, hatch, pit systemElectroAir, a developer and manufacturer of the high-tech equipment for aircraft ground handling, under the construction project of one of China’s largest airports – Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport has signed a contract for installation of more than 160 sets of PIT systems, that supply power and air conditioning to aircrafts.

It is expected that the Qingdao Jiaodong airport will completely replace the congested Qingdao Liuting airport, that serves annually more than 12 million passengers. The construction of the new Qingdao Jaiodong airport began in December 2013. The estimated passenger flow is 35 million passengers annually; the terminal’s construction volume is 450,000 m2; two runways 3,500 and 3,200 m long. The airport’s apron for parking and servicing narrow- and wide-body aircrafts plans to have 178 parking points fully equipped with Estonian power supply equipment. The airport should start its operation in 2019.

“This project is a sign of recognition for our company, as well as, for technologies, developed by our professionals. It is a result of our strong team work. This project is a global recognition of our country’s  way to leadership in the global market of high-tech products” – Aleksei Snitsarenko, CEO.

PIT systems are used in many airports around the globe, being a key element of environmentally safe and cost-effective infrastructure development. This large-scale expansion project will be implemented with the participation of the Estonian company that has already proved itself in the markets of CIS countries, Europe, Africa and the Middle East; and now it is rapidly asserting its position in Asia.